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How language learning changed my life

Hi, hello. I’m Camille. When people ask me, “What do you do in life?”, I usually tell them I am a full time mom with 3 small kids and I’m a full time language learner. Learning a language really changed my life. Here’s my story.

When I was 27 years old I went to Guadalajara, Mexico with my husband Calvin to learn Spanish.

I think it was the hardest thing I had done in my life. It sounds dramatic, yes, but learning a language is hard.

When you learn a new language it’s like this whole new world opens up to you that you didn’t even know existed before.

So, flash forward a few years later, two children later Calvin and I are living in Hawaii and a friend asks me, “Camille, why do you only speak English and Spanish?”

And I thought, “hmm you’re right.” And so I decided to learn Italian!

I learned Italian on my own. Before studying, I didn’t know any Italians but now I speak everyday with 2 beautiful Italians that I met on a language learning application but also in person when we were in Italy last year.

When we were in Greece last summer I watched this video of this polyglot who was incredible and I was like, I want to learn another language and so I decided to learn Portuguese the very next day.

I love Portuguese and the Brazilian accent. I think it’s adorable. I went to Brazil one time but it was many years ago and I didn’t speak Portuguese because I started to learn 8 months ago.

I feel that being able to communicate in the language of another person connects me directly to their heart. Something in me just comes alive when I am able to communicate in another language, to be understood and to understand somebody else.

It’s this beautiful exchange that comes together. It’s like this incredible feeling of human connection and belonging and at the same time I just feel like I’m such a curious person by nature.

I love to hear people’s stories and so learning a new language allows me to know that many more people’s stories and I’m a firm believer that every person has a story and every story matters and so my heart behind creating this English brand is to help you learn English and inspire you to learn even more language so that you too can have that heart connection with other
people and experience the beauty of what it is to learn a language.

I want to do it in a way that’s different that’s through inviting you into my life, sharing VLOG’s, sharing stories, interviewing other people hearing how they’ve learned languages and also sharing my own tips on how I’ve learned.

So come on this English learning journey, follow, subscribe, and never give up! Your life will be changed like mine.


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Picture of Camille Hanson

Camille Hanson

Hi friends! I'm Camille. I create engaging American English content for ESL people around the world. When I am not creating videos, books or blogs, you will probably find me in a cafe somewhere around the world, studying my next target language or at home cooking up food for my family of five. Stick around, read some posts and learn some English with me :) Tchau, ciao! ~Camille
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